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How do I know what birth control is right for me?
Finding the right birth control is like finding the right person to do your hair. It depends on your lifestyle, your future plans, your habits and your body. Every body is different, so you might try a method or two before you find the right fit, and that's okay. Talk to your provider about your options and let them help you find the right method for you.
How much will my birth control cost?
If you're insured, birth control is usually covered by your insurance. (But check with them just to make sure!) If you're not insured, there are a few programs out there to partially or fully cover your birth control--even IUDs and implants. Check out our clinics for more info.
How do I know what side effects to expect on birth control?
Most side effects of birth control are mild or barely even noticeable, but your provider should be able to answer any questions you have about a specific method. For more details on side effects, visit
I'm a teen. How do I talk to my mom about birth control?
And if you're not comfortable talking to your mom yet, you can still get an appointment to talk about your options and get STI testing or pregnancy testing for free at Baylor Teen Health clinics. See our clinics page for more info.
I don't want to get pregnant right now, but I don't want to put hormones in my body. What can I do?
Some birth control methods (like copper IUDs, condoms, diaphrams and other barrier methods) don't come with hormones. There are also low-dose hormonal methods that can come with decreased side effects.
What are the most effective birth control methods?
The pill has a 99.7% effective rate if it's used perfectly (at the same time every day.) But most people don't use it perfectly, and its effectiveness can drop in that case. If you think you might not keep the routine, it's a good idea to consider a method with less upkeep, like an IUD or arm implant.
Does birth control protect me against STIs?
Condoms are the only birth control method that also protects against STIs. So if you're on any other method, you should still use a condom to protect yourself and your partner.
My partner says I can't get pregnant if he pulls out. Is that true?
He's uh…misinformed. That's not true. Anytime you have unprotected sex, you're just that: unprotected. Pregnancy and STIs are possible every time you have sex, so it's best to be safe and make sure you're covered with a reliable birth control method AND a condom.
Know your options. Own your choices.
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