COVID-19 has basically changed all of our daily routines in some way. Whether it be practicing social distancing, grabbing a mask before we head out the door, or of course limited access to some of our essentials. And sis what’s more essential than birth control?
This summer we had the opportunity to interview 8 young women as part of our Virtual Survey to find out how COVID has impacted their birth control. Out of all the women interviewed, all said having access to birth control was very important in the midst of a pandemic. However, some were negatively impacted due to COVID. So how can we fix this? One way to ensure you still have access to your birth control is by booking telemedicine appointments with your doctor. (OEP also offers appointments with Dr. Richmond). Telemed appointments allow you to talk to your doctor from the comfort of your own home. No more long waiting times or crowded waiting rooms, I mean who doesn’t want that? If you would like to learn more about what to expect during your telemed appointment, check out our previous blog post “Get in the Telemood.”
But we would like to hear from you! Has COVID-19 made it harder for you to get access to your birth control? Let us know if you would like to be a part of our next Virtual Survey! DM us on our Instagram